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Image of Current status of allergy prevalence in Germany


Current status of allergy prevalence in Germany

Abstract e lifetime prevalence of allergic diseases in adults in Germany [self-reported doctor diagnosed aller-gic diseases, Study on Adult Health in Germany
(Studie zur Gesundheit Erwachsener in Deutsch-land, DEGS1, 2008–2011) of the Robert Koch Insti-tute] is 8.6 % for asthma, 14.8 % for hay fever, 3.5 % for atopic dermatitis, 8.1% for contact dermatitis, 4.7 % for food allergies, and 2.8% for insect venom allergies. Almost 20 % of German adults are cur-rently a“ected by at least one allergy. In tests on 50 common single allergens and two
mixtures comprising either inhalant allergens or grass pollen allergens, 48.6 % of participants ex-hibited at least one allergic sensitization (specic IgE antibody detection). Overall, 33.6 % of partic-ipants were sensitized to inhalant allergens, 25.5% to at least one food allergens, and 22.6 % to at least one insect venom allergens. A comparison of data on adults from 1998 [Federal Health Survey 1998 (Bundes-Gesundheitssurvey 1998, BGS98) of the Robert Koch Institute] and 2008–2011 (DEGS1) shows an increase in prevalence over time of al-most three percentage points, while the rate of sen-sitization to inhalant allergens has increased from 29.8 % to 33.6 %. e prevalence of doctor diag-nosed hay fever, atopic dermatitis, and food aller-gies, on the other hand, has remained virtually un-changed over the last 15 years. e Germany-wide lifetime prevalence of allergic diseases in children and adolescents [Study on the Health of Children and Adolescents in Germany (Stud-ie zur Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen in Deutschland, KiGGS initial survey, 2003–2006) of the Robert Koch Institute] was 4.7 % for asthma, 10.7 % for hay fever, and 13.2 % for atopic dermatitis. Altogether, 40.8 % of German children and adolescents were sen-sitized to at least one of the inhalant or food allergens measured, while 20.0 % were sensitized to at least one food allergen. A marked increase in hay fever preva-lence among East German children in the 1990s has resulted in an alignment of prevalence rates in East and West Germany. In contrast to adults, there was no lon-ger a discernible di“erence in the prevalence of asthma, hay fever, and allergic sensitization in children between the western and eastern German federal states. In international comparisons with prevalence data from other studies, the participating German cen-ters are in the lower third of the distribution of fre-quency for both children and adults.


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Judul Seri
No. Panggil
Penerbit Springer : German.,
Deskripsi Fisik
DOI: 10.1007/s40629-
Tipe Isi
Tipe Media
Tipe Pembawa
Allergo J Int 2016; 25:6–10
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